My Passion Project

My passion Project is about how my dream is to be a animator/artist as a career. But with a little twist to it,  instead of sharing my reasons as to why I want to be a animator, I would share the process of animator. For example, show like a clip of the Encanto and show each process of that one clip to the final product. I already have a few clips of process animations from the same movie as well, I might add some director commentary on the movie if I feel as it would fit with the idea. I also want to show different types of animation because there are different types.



Have the deadline for everything to be finished by Next Wednesday (2/16/2022)

  • Have the Slideshow sections complete by Thursday
  • Add the example into the slideshow
  • If motivated, animate something (even if it is small)
  • Make stickers for the end of the Slideshow to give around (as a thank you for listening to my Ted Talk)

Questions (5/29/20)

  • What did you do well this year?

What I did well this year is for one, I was able to keep my grades up and I’ve also believe I had improved in my art skills. I’ve been practicing to draw (after doing my homework of course) like hands, body, head, and hair. And made a schedule to help keep my grades up during this whole learning distance.


  • What can you continue to work on?

I can continue to work on my writing skills because I want write stories, songs, and poems. And meanwhile I want to improve my writing style, I want to learn cursive.

  • One thing distance learning has made you realize.

One thing I’ve learned from distance learning is that when our teachers electives give us activities we can do at home, they are actually fun to do when you learn how to the activities on the computer.

  • Incorporate a photo or video that connects to your current state of mind, and explain.

(I couldn’t get the picture to extended it so you’ll be able to see my cat )

This picture connects to my current state of mind because ever since we have been stuck inside our homes because of Covid-19 (Coronavirus)  I’ve been keeping myself busy with drawing and wanting to be creative. So, I’ve collected boxes that we didn’t need and made a little fort for my cats (I might post the whole picture on google classroom that for electives so, you’ll be able to see one of my cats inside).  I’m hoping to get other materials to improve the fort and maybe be able to customize it with colors! ^^

“Harrison Bergeron” and “2081”

  • Which was more effective: film or story? Why?

I think the film is more effective than the story because it shows more visuals and gives you more of an idea of what’s happening. It’s easier to be able to watch the film than the story because it shows more of emotion. The film portraying the characters emotions, face expressions, and the music gives you the senses of what the mood is in the scene.

  • We often find that films are never as ‘good’ as the stories. How does this film portray the story? Was it accurate or inaccurate?

The film of the story was accurate, at least in my opinion on the matter. It gives you the visuals you need to understand and once again the music gives you the sense of the current emotion. And the script is just spot with the story, giving it a bit more detail, Harrison give more of speech of his backstory (not to much though in my opinion) and the films gives more action than the story.

  • If  you were re-creating this film today, how would it be different? Consider characters, setting, investigation, etc…

If i were re-creating the film “2081- Harrison Bergeron,” what would be different consider the characters, setting, investigation, etc. I would change the lighting, put better visuals of lighting and climatic visuals. I wouldn’t change the script, I think the script was good as well as the action involved. I would just mostly add effects, lighting, and anything else that had to do with visuals.

Harrison Bergeron

  • What exactly is this story satirizing (making fun of)?

I believe that the story is satirizing about how everyone is equal, no one is stupider, uglier, slower, or weaker then anyone. Even people who were handicap were equal with other, they treated each other. But in the present, some people act as if your not equal to them, they judge people of their gender, sexually, pronounces, color, and etc.


  • If the two ideals—human excellence and equality—are in conflict, which one is more important?  Can we have both? Are there some areas in life in which we wish for equality more than human excellence and others we don’t?

If I were to choose either human excellence or equality in a conflict, I would chose equality as more important than human excellence. The reason I choose equality over the other is because it’s not fair for people that can’t do “special” opportunities that are only for people for example are rich. Not everyone is lucky to have a “perfect” life, people have bad backgrounds like, the way they were born, where they are from, what they believe, or whether they have a disability. That’s why I believe equality is more important then human excellence. And there is some areas in life in which we (in my opinion) wish for more than human excellence then others don’t

  • Why do you think the author made everyone equal in brains, beauty, and brawn (strength)? What effect does it have on the reader? 

I think the author made everyone equal in brains, beauty, and brawn because the author wants to show that even if everyone is equal in every way, they are still themselves because even though they are equal that doesn’t change who they are. And it effect the reader of if everyone one was equal, they are still themselves and they get some idea if we were all equal.

  •  Is Harrison Bergeron a hero? Why?

Harrison Bergeron is a hero because he shows how he helped other people to grow into their true selfs. As well as of who they are, no matter what their background nor what they identify as. That why I think Harrison Bergeron is a hero, at least in my opinion, you can agree to disagree.

Janet Jackson

The African American I researched for Black History Month, is Janet Jackson. Janet Jackson is a American singer, songwriter, actress, and dancer. She is a prominent figure in popular culture, she is known for sonically innovative, socially concussion and sexually provocative records and elaborate stage shows. One of the important milestones Janet Damita Jo Jackson had were,  she holds the record for most American Music Awards nominations from one album (with twelve) for control.

Janet Jackson had impacted African-American culture because she had demonstrated by her career that African Americans wouldn’t need to be second to anyone and her music string hits had powerfully influenced popular music. She had shown that African-Americans can be equal to everyone in any career or life in general. And still from today her influence lives on because thanks to her music hits,  we make more popular music. And African Americans are starting to get continue to get Into more careers, that how Janet Jackson influence lives in this generation 

Break Up Letter

Dear Sora,

I wanted to tell you in person what i’m about to tell you, but I think it                       would be better for me to tell you in a letter. I’m been thinking for the past            month that I believe this relationship is not working out as I hope. This past           year was amazing and I’m thankful for you being in my life, but I just think          we’ve been distance lately. We barley even hang out anymore like we used              to and we only text to each other, we don’t really even call on the phone                anymore…

I wish we go back a year and start all over again and try to at least set some  bounders of spending together but, sadly that’s not how  life works.  So, what I’m basically trying to say is, I believe it would be best if we break.  I’m not actually sorry that we broke up because now that I think about it, before we started to actually date each other, we were never were really close as people thought that was the case. But beside the point, I hope you treat your future girlfriend as if she was a princess.

So, as I said earlier I’m breaking up with, people might say “it’s not you it’s me” but in reality,  it’s actually you Sora. I hope you understand because I’m not going to change my decision on the matter. I hope you can respect my decision and be a grown adult about this, you can be mad at me all you want but, it won’t get you anywhere in life. This is goodbye, we are done.



Dulce Espinoza


I couldn’t believe a cat could fly!?

When I say I couldn’t believe a cat could fly, I mean it. Let me tell you on how I was able to see a my cat fly, it all started in my bedroom 5 minutes ago. I was trying to finish my homework that was due in two days when all of a sudden I heard a loud thud in the living room. I jumped from my chair due to the loud thud, I slowly go my door and head downstairs to only see my cat in mid air flying. And that’s how I learned that my cat can fly.

~~Week 8~~


I will be writing on this blog about refection in my participation in the blog challenges. So, I have participated in all the blogs as you can see. But, sometimes when I have to write a blog, I struggle in writing them or how to write them. Even though my ELA teacher summarizes the blog, I don’t know how to write the blog. I do ask my classmates on how I can write the blog, unfortunately they don’t always know the answer to my question. Blogs are sometimes hard to write depending on what the week blog challenge is but, I’ve always found the answer to my own question about the blogs. And that’s what one of the things I like about the blogs, they are challenging, inspiring, and helps me with my own grammar as well. At this point I’m thinking about writing stories and posting them online (with my mother’s permission of course). All i’m trying to say is the blogs have helped me to enjoy writing. Another thing I reflect on the blogs is my interest into writing stories for my enjoyment as you read earlier. Blogs helped me come up with interesting story ideas and creativity to transform into drawing ideas, the blogs have benefited me in more ways than you could ever imagine. And so, I will continue to participate in the challenges that are yet to come but, I can promise you that I will be ready to write the blog.


~Week 7~

Me and my family celebrate  different kinds of holidays (not all of them thought…). We celebrate Christmas, Halloween, Easter day, The day Of the Dead,and Valentine time. Out favorite holiday is Christmas because that’s when we get together and have fun together. By singing Christmas carols, a huge dinner, and we watch Christmas movies together.

16 Best Christmas Photo Ideas


We usually watch The Nightmare Before Christmas, Home Alone, and How The Grinch Stole Christmas. We also drink hot chocolate with small marshmallow while opening our presents from under the Christmas tree! This year i’m going to somehow get my cat (named Cease) to wear a Christmas sweater, I hope to get a picture of him wearing it! All i’m saying is Christmas is really the only time we get to spend together as a family, even though we have our differences, we love each other no matter what! ♥

blog week 6

On this blog I’ll be putting certain emojis and you have to guess what the emojis represent what movie (Hint: Two of them are from Disney except one). Can you find out what each row of emojis represent? And No cheating! And what I mean by that is you can’t look at the comments to help you guess the emojis.

Have fun!


Number 1:


Number 2: 


Number 3:


Comment what you think the emojis represent in each row represent what movie?